Wed 13 Mar 2024

M-Sport's Millener lands victory behind the wheel

M-Sport Ford World Rally Team principal Richard Millener landed the biggest moment of his driving career with a class win on last week’s Malcolm Wilson Rally.

Millener was running a Ford Fiesta R2T on the event, which is sponsored by M-Sport’s managing director. His success contrasted with his opposite number at Toyota, Jari-Matti Latvala, who rolled his Celica Turbo 4WD out of the SM Tuuri Ralli.

“It’s always great to be out there competing,” said Millener. “We’re at a point where there’s potential for change in our sport and being out and competing at a more grass roots level, talking to the fans and the enthusiasts is so important.

“Last week is the very reason I got involved in this sport, it’s because I’m passionate about it and I love it. It was great to get the chance to talk to people and get some thoughts on where we’re going.

“In terms of the competition, it was fantastic. I drove a car which is owned and run by the students at Harper Adams University in the UK. We have an affiliation with them, we’ve got one of their students on secondment with us for a year, and they’re so committed to working in the sport.

"They did a fantastic job, and it was hard to understand I was driving in a team run by engineering students and not a professional team. Winning the class was great – and great for my co-driver Gail [Whyte] who was in the car for the first time – but it was all about being out there in a sport I love.

“As for Jari-Matti… yes, he might have been going a little bit quicker than me when he rolled, but all the prizes are at the finish!”

Images: Mitcham Media

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