Sat 04 Nov 2023

Loubet looks forward to winter reset

This hasn’t been the year Pierre-Louis Loubet was looking for. There’s no way of dressing it up, it just hasn’t been there. Now? A rest. A reset.

The Frenchman badly needs both. Last year he set three fastest times and led rallies for two stages. This year those same numbers are one and one. Has this year been half as good as last season? As far as he’s concerned, probably, yes.

Missing Japan, Loubet went to last week’s Central European Rally looking for redemption, good experience with his new co-driver Benjamin Veillas and, of course, a result.

What he wasn’t really after was 10th place and finishing 12 minutes off the lead after a whole bunch of issues, including a penalty for not having his helmet done up correctly, stopping to change a wheel, some issues and a couple of excursions.

“It was a difficult rally,” he said. “And it’s been a difficult season. Even on Sunday morning there was some transmission, some clutch issues which caused something with the car and that made me make a small mistake.

“Next year I hope we can have some more luck, but, for now, I will go away and do a reset for the mind. This [year] has been tough, but I really want to do it again – I don’t think we have shown our full potential yet. I just need everything to go my way for that to happen.”

Starts: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM
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