Tue 04 Jul 2023

The unique approach deployed by Kajto in Kenya

Kajetan Kajetanowicz’s second consecutive Safari Rally Kenya WRC2 victory has played him very firmly into this season’s title race – and he did it by being a machine.

Fourth at Guanajuato Rally México, the Polish star stepped onto the WRC2 podium for the first time this year with third place at Rally Italia Sardegna. Landing into Nairobi, the Škoda driver knew a win could ignite his bid to wear this year’s crown.

But he still had to deliver that result and see off the challenge of Grégoire Munster’s Ford Fiesta Rally2. When the Belgian’s challenge faltered, Kajetanowicz was left defending a 10-minute lead into the final day.

He smiled: “I was trying to be a like a machine, like a computer every day. When I woke up I said to myself that I had to do my job and don’t think too much. Stage-by-stage, day-by-day we did it.

“We won it for a second time and it is not easy here at the Safari Rally and it is a completely different rally compared to the others.”

Kajetanowicz admitted the deployment of pace notes in Africa is just one area which sets the Safari apart from other rallies around the world.

He added: “There is so much information in the pace notes it is difficult to read the road and it is impossible to remember everything.

“On the recce we had the pace notes from last year and I started to put more information on my pacenotes and my co-driver [Maciej Szczepaniak] said he couldn’t read it as he had no time. He wanted to have time to understand it.

“It is such a difficult rally and so complicated. I am more happy with this win than the others from the past.”

Starts: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM
Starts: Friday, July 26, 2024 at 8:30:00 AM
Starts: Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 9:30:00 AM